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How to Create a Vintage Lace Clipart Wedding Invitation

How to Create a Vintage Lace Clipart Wedding Invitation

Posted by Olivia Sum on

When it comes to choosing a wedding invitation, it can be hard to find one that matches your wedding colours, theme and self. Therefore a lot of bride-to-be’s decide to make their own wedding invitations. Of course no wedding invitation is complete without vintage lace; it gives the invitations a sense of delicacy, elegance and romance. You can add lace to invitations with vintage lace clipart. You didn’t think you had to hand cut a ton of lace did you!? That really would be a daunting task.

To make your vintage lace wedding invitation, we will go through the different types of vintage lace clipart you can use, what you will need to make the invitation, a step-by-step guide of how to make the invitation and also any others ideas you might like to add.


Types of Vintage Lace Clipart

There are many different styles of vintage lace clipart; you could be looking for hours to find the perfect one for your wedding invitation. To help try and shorten that time, here are a few favourites others have used for their invites:

  1. Victorian Lace – This is a very classic and polished era in which lace was a big part of. Victorian lace will add a touch of wealth to your invites.
  2. Doilies – Doilies are a popular choice for wedding decorations, not only for invites but for centre pieces and seat name labels too. You can really create a running theme throughout the wedding from the save the date cards right through to the reception with doilies.
  3. Floral Lace – These are lace vintage lace clipart but with bursts of flowers added to them for a splash of colours to your invites. They really add value to the vintage look you are trying to achieve.
  4. Coloured Lace – Lace clipart doesn’t always have to be white, ivory or black, they can also look very good is pastel shades too. They will still add a vintage vibe to your invitations.

There are certainly other types of vintage lace clipart to look into but we feel this selection will be ideal for wedding invitations.

What You Will Need For Your Vintage Lace Clipart Wedding Invitation

To get started on your vintage lace clipart wedding invitation, you are going to need the following:

  1. Plain Paper – This is to practice on before you start creating your invitation.
  2. Pen – You will need to write on paper where you want wording to be and how the wording will look before starting to create your invitation.
  3. Photoshop – This is what you are going to use to design your invitations. You should be familiar with this software if you are a lover of scrapbooking.
  4. Vintage Lace Clipart – The main effect you are going to add to your invitation is the vintage lace clipart so make sure you have chosen and downloaded which one you want to add.
  5. Paper Texture Brushes – This is an optional extra if you want to add more texture to the background of the invitation.

Now that you know what you need to get started on your vintage lace clipart wedding invitation, it’s time to get started.

How to Make Your Vintage Lace Clipart Wedding Invitation

Here comes the real fun part of the project; making these super cute wedding invitations. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make them:

  1. Choose the wording you want to have on your wedding invitations and practice placing them on plain pieces of paper so you have an idea of the design you wish to create.
  2. Decide on what colours you wish to use for your invitations. For this example we will use ivory and black as our colour scheme.
  3. Download the vintage lace clipart you have decided to go for and a paper texture brush if you decide to use one. For this example, we will use a crumpled paper texture brush and black doilies clipart.
  4. Time to start creating the design on Photoshop. Start working on the background first which will either be a solid colour, a gradient or texture.
  5. Add your chosen vintage lace clipart to the top so that it covers roughly a quarter of the invitation.
  6. Choose the font you want for the text and add the wording you chose in stage 1 below the vintage lace clipart.

You should now have a design that looks like a professionally done wedding invitation. How easy is that!

Other Ideas to Add

While we suggest you don’t add too many things to your wedding invitation, there are some other lovely ideas you can add such as using an image as the background, adding borders or title dividers, using clipart images, adding ribbons and more.

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